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Information event on Swiss repository - BASE coordinates cross-border participation

press release

Stand: 2022.09.19

Information event on Swiss repository - BASE coordinates cross-border participation

On the occasion of the site announcement for the Swiss , the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) will host a public information event at 7pm on Thursday, 22 September. The Swiss Federal Office of Energy and Nagra will explain the reasons for selecting the Nördlich Lägern site, and answer questions from the public at Waldshut town hall. There will be an info market starting at 5:30 pm in the foyer of the town hall.

The aim of the event is to provide a platform for dialogue between Swiss and the German public in the border region. BASE is coordinating cross-border public and authority participation for the Swiss search, and supports the German Federal Environment Ministry in monitoring the procedure by providing technical and participation expertise.

The event will be streamed live from 7pm at Registration for the event is not required. Questions or topics to be discussed at the event can be sent in advance to

Anyone who would like to learn more about the status of the search in Germany can take part in online information events organised by BASE on the first Wednesday of every month. They are especially aimed at newcomers who want to be brought up to date on the German search process, and provide a good basis for participation in other formats. All interested parties are invited to directly address their questions on the search for a repository for high-level to the representatives of BASE.

The next event on the search in Germany will take place on Wednesday, 5 October, from 5 to 6:30 pm. Registration is not necessary. Access data will be published below this event shortly before the start of the event.

Stand: 2022.09.19