Transports of spent fuel elements to Neckarwestheim approved
press release
Stand: 2017.05.16
On 16 May 2017, the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BfE) approved the transport of 15 casks containing altogether 342 spent fuel elements from the decommissioned Obrigheim nuclear power plant to the Neckarwestheim on-site facility. The transport had been applied for by DAHER on behalf of EnBW Kernkraft GmbH on 27 March 2014. Approved were maximum eight transports by inland waterway on the River Neckar.
This licence is a so-called conditional decision according to § 4 Atomic Energy Act. That means: When all legal requirements are complied with, the applicant is legally entitled to be granted a licence. Among others, this includes the proof that the transports are sufficiently protected against interference of third parties such as acts of terrorism or sabotage. Besides, arrangements must be made guaranteeing the safety of the transport in the concrete event of a maritime . For the transportation of by inland waterway, the same level of safety is valid as for transportation by road or rail. The transport licence is limited until 13 November 2018.
The responsible carrier is the company DAHER on behalf of the EnBW Kernkraft GmbH. The transport will be monitored by the responsible supervisory authority, the Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Energy Baden-Wurttemberg. Casts of the CASTOR® 440/84 mvK type will be used for the transport.
Stand: 2017.05.16