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BASE publishes new research report


Stand: 2024.07.08

BASE publishes new research report

Nuclear safety and the of are highly complex tasks that raise a variety of questions from different areas of expertise. The new BASE research report "scienceBASEd" presents research carried out by the Federal Office with the aim of providing scientifically sound answers to these questions.

Overview of BASE research projects

The scienceBASEd research report provides an overview of BASE's numerous research projects and takes a closer look at some of them. How can we find the safest possible final storage site for high- ? Are there alternatives to disposing of waste in a deep geological ? What are the benefits of public access to digital information on final ? How can knowledge be best archived for future generations? What about the development and safety of internationally discussed alternative reactor concepts?

Research at BASE is geared towards the different areas of responsibility of the office, which range from safety issues in the field of nuclear waste to public participation. BASE not only commissions research projects in this area, but BASE scientists also carry out their own research projects. An interdisciplinary understanding of scientific work is of particular importance: natural and technical scientists as well as humanities scholars and social scientists conduct research on nuclear waste management safety issues, and bring together their different perspectives.

Well-founded scientific work supports the authorities' work

The report looks back on past years of research funding and research work undertaken during the establishment of the Office. It presents the diversity of BASE's research activities, which ultimately serve to support the work of the authorities. After all, sound scientific work is one of the most important prerequisites for meeting the challenges of nuclear safety in a responsible manner.

The scienceBASED research report will be published regularly in future and will summarise the results of current BASE research projects.

Stand: 2024.07.08