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Alternatives to deep geological disposal?

Research project on alternative disposal options: BASE publishes final report and factsheets


Stand: 2024.07.09

Alternatives to deep geological disposal?

There is no doubt as to how high-level in Germany is to be disposed of. In 2017, the German Bundestag decided by a large majority to dispose of the high-level radioactive waste from nuclear energy use in a deep geological . In view of this task, however, alternative options are also being discussed.

BASE submits assessment of alternative disposal options

As the supervisory authority and in the context of its relevant duties, BASE must submit a substantiated recommendation on the project implementer’s proposal to the Federal Ministry for the Environment at the end of each phase of the site selection procedure. This also includes a discussion of alternative options as part of a learning process.

To this end, BASE developed a contract research project entitled "Tracking and processing the state of the art in science and technology for alternative options for high-level ", altEr for short. The aim was to analyse the current state of science and technology with regard to alternative disposal options, and to evaluate the potential options. Both national and international developments in this field were recorded in annual progress reports.

Deep geological disposal currently the safest method

BASE has now published the final report of the project (in German). In this report, the contractor (Öko-Institut e. V.) examines, among other things, the possibility of storing the waste in horizontally deflected boreholes and potential combinations of different approaches. Molten salt reactors and the integrity of highly radioactive inventories during long-term are also considered.

The project resulted in three factsheets on the alternatives that the Final Repository Commission categorised as worthy of observation. They concern long-term , borehole disposal as well as partitioning and transmutation. The factsheets contain specialised information, and are aimed at readers with a scientific background as well as interested citizens who wish to broaden their knowledge. The factsheets are also available on the project website.

As a result of the final report, BASE concludes that the planned of high-level in a mine is currently - and for the foreseeable future - the safest and most feasible solution. BASE will continue to monitor and evaluate developments in the field of alternative disposal technologies.

Stand: 2024.07.09