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BASE becomes a full member of nestor e.V.


Stand: 2024.12.12

BASE becomes a full member of nestor e.V.

nestor e.V.: Perspectives on digital long-term archiving

One of the tasks of BASE is to ensure that information and knowledge about the disposal of high-level radioactive waste is preserved over long periods of time. Comprehensive information should be available as part of the long-term documentation for at least 500 years after the repository is closed. But what is the best way to digitally archive important information?

nestor e.V., the Competence Network for Digital Preservation, brings together institutions involved in the long-term archiving of information in digital form. It offers its members valuable opportunities for exchange and networking. Various working groups, workshops and other events address all issues related to digital long-term archiving, such as applicable standards, research data or preservation strategies.

The results are made available free of charge by nestor e.V. This benefits not only institutions such as BASE, but also private households, for whom the preservation of digital data such as photos and videos has become increasingly important in recent years. On the nestor e.V. website you can read some of the reports, guides and manuals, and listen to a podcast on current issues in digital long-term archiving.

Another service provided by nestor e.V. is the nestor seal for trustworthy long-term digital archives. This is a certification option for archives that BASE is also striving for in the long term.

From associate partnership to full membership

BASE has been an associate partner in the cooperation network since 2018. From January 2025, it will be a full member of the nestor e.V. competence network, which includes the German National Library, the Federal Archives, several state archives, various university libraries and other institutions. Within the scope of its capabilities, BASE will take on subtasks and responsibilities in the areas of long-term archiving and long-term availability of digital resources, and will cooperate with the other members. In contrast to the past, BASE now has voting rights in the General Assembly.

Stand: 2024.12.12