Call for participation - Join the 2nd Repository Search Forum 2023
Stand: 2023.05.17
As a dialogue and networking platform on current topics related to the search for a site, the annual Repository Search Forum will present an opportunity to learn about and discuss the state of the ongoing work. The forum will take place at the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences in Halle, on 17-18 November 2023. There will be online events on the search for a site leading up to the Forum.
You can play an active role in shaping the Forum's programme. Contribute your ideas, questions and perspectives on the search for the safest site for high-level in Germany.
Follow our call for co-design
What questions do you have about the search for a site? Which aspects of the search process would you like to learn more about? Which topics related to the search for a site are of particular interest to you?
Make a contribution to the Repository Search Forum! Submit your ideas, e.g. for a workshop, a presentation, another creative format, or pose your question on the search for a site in Germany!
Proposals can be submitted online until 30 June 2023. Further information can be found here. Feedback will be provided by the Repository Search Forum (PFE) Planning Team in August. Based on the submissions, the planning team will develop an exciting programme on the current topics of the site search, and is looking forward to your contributions.
Stand: 2023.05.17