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Save-the-Date: Expert discussion on alternative disposal options for high-level radioactive waste


Stand: 2022.04.08

Save-the-Date: Expert discussion on alternative disposal options for high-level radioactive waste

The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) invites you to a public expert discussion on alternative options for the final of high- , to take place in Berlin on May 11, 2022.

The event on the occasion of the publication of results of the BASE research project “Monitoring and evaluating the state of the art in science and technology for alternative disposal options for high-level radioactive waste" will take place on site and will be streamed online.

Germany aims to dispose of high-level radioactive waste from nuclear energy use in a deep geological repository. Other disposal options, such as neutralising waste in special reactors (partitioning & transmutation), are also being discussed time and again. It is the mission of BASE to monitor these disposal alternatives and to evaluate their safety.

Focus on transmutation and borehole storage

For this reason, BASE commissioned a research project on alternative options. Its first task was to summarise and present the technical and scientific progress of alternative disposal options for high-level radioactive waste. This first interim results are now available and can be viewed here. The publication of the first results provides the basis for the discussion event on May 11.

At the event, the current status and the development perspectives of the disposal alternatives will be presented and discussed. The discussion will focus on the following topics

  • Partitioning and transmutation,
  • Borehole disposal.

The event is aimed at an expert audience in particular, but is open to anyone interested.

Panel discussion with experts

Invited experts are

  • Prof. Dirk Bosbach (Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Research Center Jülich),
  • Dr. Sophie Kuppler (Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) and
  • Dr. Ulrich Harms (Department of Geosystems, Geo Research Centre Potsdam).

The results of the research project will be presented by:

  • Dr. Matthias Englert (Öko-Institut e. V., representative of the research project) and
  • Dr. Saleem Chaudry (Öko-Institut e. V., representative of the research project).

The event will begin at 3pm and end around 6:30pm. Inquiries can be sent to

Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
Wegelystrasse 8
10623 Berlin

Stand: 2022.04.08