National disposal programme
The national disposal programme describes the German government’s strategy for the responsible and safe disposal of radioactive waste in Germany.

Nuclear waste management strategy
In accordance with the requirements of the European Union, the national disposal programme contains a comprehensive overall presentation of the Federal Government's strategy for the responsible and safe disposal of radioactive waste. This also includes the ‘Directory of Radioactive Waste’. This is regularly updated, and includes all types of radioactive waste that are to be permanently stored in Germany. It includes high-level radioactive waste such as spent fuel rods from nuclear power plants and returned waste from reprocessing abroad, as well as all types of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste.
The Federal Cabinet approved the national disposal programme in August 2015. The programme complies with the requirements of European Directive 2011/70/Euratom.
The Federal Government intends to present an updated version of the national disposal programme in 2025.
Stand: 2024.11.20