In order to fulfil its duties in accordance with the most recent scientific and technical findings, BASE is also engaged in scientific research as a departmental research institution. To this end, the Office initiates and supports research projects in the field of safe nuclear disposal, and conducts its own research.

Research in support of its mission
In order to fulfil its duties as a technical, licensing and supervisory authority, BASE engages in scientific research in these fields. The research conducted by BASE is open-ended, systematic and based on established scientific methods. It is also important to note that BASE research adheres to the generally recognised rules for ensuring good scientific practice.
Furthermore, BASE organises and prioritises research activities according to a transparent and comprehensibly justified procedure. The results of this research are prepared in an understandable way and published as a matter of principle. Additionally, the public is invited to reflect on and critically follow the published research.
In a number of its areas of responsibility, BASE is required to make regular, clear and legally sound official decisions based on the current state of scientific and technological knowledge. The pursuit of transparency and quality standards in research must not be subordinated to the goal of facilitating decision-making.
Research for more safety
The research conducted by BASE represents a significant contribution to the implementation of a 'participatory, science-based, transparent, self-questioning and learning process'. The objective is to identify a solution that enjoys the support of a broad social consensus (see Section 5 of the Site Selection Act). Furthermore, BASE's research activities contribute to ensuring the safety of nuclear waste management.
Stand: 2024.04.15