Navigation and service


BASE is responsible for evaluating applications for licenses to transport and store radioactive material in both interim and final storage facilities. We only grant licenses once we have reviewed the submitted evidence and are confident that safety standards will be met.


Interim storage facilities

BASE is the designated licensing authority for the storage of nuclear fuels in both centralised and decentralised interim storage facilities.

Operators of interim storage facilities must provide comprehensive safety documentation in order to obtain a licence. BASE also assesses significant changes that affect the inventory or safety measures of the facilities, for example.


In accordance with nuclear legislation, BASE is tasked with licensing the transport of

  • spent fuel elements from the operation of nuclear power plants or radioactive residues from reprocessing, commonly referred to as Castor transports, as well as
  • large sources (in addition to fuel rods, radioactive substances that exceed a certain activity value).

A licence is only granted upon proof that the applicant has complied with the provisions set forth in nuclear legislation and the law on hazardous substances.

Transport casks

Casks for the transport of radioactive materials with an increased hazard potential require a licence. This will be issued by BASE according to the type of package (cask with the contents to be transported).

Final storage

In the future, BASE will be responsible for the requisite nuclear, mining and water law licences for the repositories for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste in the Konrad and Morsleben mines, as well as for the repository for high-level radioactive waste, the location of which has yet to be determined.

A licence will only be granted on the basis of the evidence provided and provided that the requisite safety standards are guaranteed.

Stand: 2024.12.03