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Organisational Structure

Organisational Structure

In addition to the President’s office and administration, BASE consists of the following five specialist departments:

  • Research/International (F)
  • Public Participation (B),
  • Supervision (A),
  • Licensing Procedures (G) and
  • Nuclear Safety (N).

The offices of the Nuclear Safety Standards Commission (KTA) and the Reactor Safety and Nuclear Waste Management Commission are also located at BASE’s premises.

A young public authority

Founded in 2014, BASE was established after the “Act to Reform the Organisational Structure in the Field of Disposing of Nuclear Waste” came into force on 30 July 2016.

Two of the departments – for licensing procedures for the transport and storage of waste as well as for specialist nuclear expertise – and their employees were taken over from the predecessor authority, Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) in early 2017. The other departments, dealing with the search for a new , public participation and research respectively, as well as the administration section and the President’s office were created from scratch; relevant structures were established and qualified personnel was hired.

Stand: 2025.01.02