- Das Bundesamt
- BASE-Laboratorium
- Ausschreibungen
- Gesetze und Regelungen
- Häufig genutzte Rechtsvorschriften
- Handbuch Reaktorsicherheit und Strahlenschutz
- Aktuelle Änderungen
- 1A - Atom- und Strahlenschutzrecht
- 1B - Weiteres Recht
- 1C - Transportrecht
- 1D - Bilaterale Vereinbarungen
- 1E - Multilaterale Vereinbarungen
- 1F - Recht der EU
- 2 Allgemeine Verwaltungsvorschriften
- 3 Bekanntmachungen des BMUV
- 4 Relevante Vorschriften und Empfehlungen
- 5 Kerntechnischer Ausschuss (KTA)
- 6 Wichtige Gremien
- Anhang zum RS-Handbuch
- A.1 Englische Übersetzungen des Regelwerkes
- Dosiskoeffizienten zur Berechnung der Strahlenexposition (in Überarbeitung)
- Reden und Interviews
- BASE-Themen im Bundestag
Nukleare Sicherheit
Zwischenlagerung / Transport
Reactor Safety Commission
The Reactor Safety Commission (Reaktor-Sicherheitskommission - RSK) was established by statute in 1958. The Commission advises the Federal Ministry responsible for nuclear safety and radiation protection (BMUV) in safety-related matters and thus matters concerning the physical protection of nuclear installations and radioactive waste management. Since the establishment of the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (Entsorgungskommission - ESK) in 2008, radioactive waste management has become a topic of consultations of the ESK.
As result of their meetings, the RSK passes technical-scientific recommendations or statements that are submitted to the BMUV. In principle, the RSK assesses issues raised by BMUV, but the Commission may also address topics for advice on its own.
The way of working of the RSK is regulated by a Statute. A secretariat established at BASE supports RSK`s advisory work. The web site of the RSK provides information about RSK and its recommendations and statements.