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Nuclear Facilities - Reportable Events - Decommissioning - Nuclear Accidents

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Nuclear power plants in Germany - reportable events since commissioning

Nuclear power plants in Germany Nuclear power plantsNuclear power plants in Germany (German only)

Here information about the sites and states of German nuclear power plants are given.

The number of reportable events according to the Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance are listed in the last column of the table.

Nuclear power plants in Germany - reportable events since commissioning
(gross MWe)
Year of commissioning (Initial criticality)Year of final shut-downNumber of reportable events since commissioning as of 30 September 2024
1)Reportable events at systems common to the dual-unit plant
2)Reportable events since 3 October 1990
3)already shut down since 1988 due to court order
Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) finally shut down-
GKN-2Neckarwestheim NPP Unit 2PWR140019882023135
KKEEmsland NPPPWR140619882023179
KKI-2Isar NPP Unit 2PWR148519882023110
KWGGrohnde NPPPWR143019842021285
KRB-II-CGundremmingen NPP Unit CBWR134419842021116
KBRBrokdorf NPPPWR148019862021308
GKN-1Neckarwestheim NPP Unit 1PWR84019762011457
KKBBrunsbüttel NPPBWR80619762011531
KKGGrafenrheinfeld NPPPWR134519812015243
KKI-1Isar NPP Unit 1BWR91219772011290
KKKKrümmel NPPBWR140219832011359
KKP-1Philippsburg NPP Unit 1BWR92619792011390
KKP-2Philippsburg NPP Unit 2PWR146819842019291
KKRRheinsberg NPPPWR7019661990412)
KKSStade NPPPWR67219722003317
KKUUnterweser NPPPWR141019782011365
KMKMülheim-Kärlich NPPPWR1302198620013)189
KNK-IIKarlsruhe Sodium-Cooled ReactorFBR2119771991137
KRB-AGundremmingen NPP Unit A BWR2501966197726
KRB-II-BGundremmingen NPP Unit BBWR134419842017125 + 81)
KGR 1-5Greifswald NPP Unit 1 to 5PWR440 each1973 until 19891990912)
KWB-ABiblis NPP Unit APWR122519742011465 + 61)
KWB-BBiblis NPP Unit BPWR130019762011465
KWLLingen NPPBWR2681968197736
KWOObrigheim NPPPWR35719682005268
KWWWürgassen NPPBWR67019711994282
THTR-300Hamm-Uentrop Gas-cooled High-temperature Pebble Bed ReactorHTR30819831988125


BWR - Boiling Water Reactor
HTR - High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
FBR - Sodium-cooled Fast Breeder Reactor
NPP - Nuclear Power Plant
PWR - Pressurised Water Reactor

State of 2024.11.18

© Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management